State of preservation:
The former organ of the Tyska kyrkan (German church) in
Stockholm is partly preserved in two neighbouring towns in northern Sweden at the finnish border. The highly decorated case of the upper positive and main organ including essential parts of pipeworks are preserved in Övertorneå, the case of parapet positive with some original stops in Hedenäset. The preserved organs have been documented and reconstructed twice, the Övertorneå organ also restored in accordance with the results of the documentation and reconstruction.
Plan of the Tyska kyrkan, Stockholm
1 church tower
2 southern entrance
3 pillar
4 pulpit
5 royal lodge
6 altar
7 baptistry
8 gallery
9 modern position of the reconstructed organ
10 position of the old organ and of the modern organ
The Tyska kyrkan is on the island Gamla Stan, the traditional town centre of Stockholm. In 1576 the german parish acquired a building used before by the finnish parish in Stockholm. The church was rebuilt 1638-42 with new interior. The first organ was built in 1608-09 by Paul Müller of Spandau (II+P/21) at the site of the present modern organ (Fig. no. 10). 1621-22 the organ maker Peer Johnsson (Jönsson) replaced the chest positive by a parapet positive, the case was ornamented by Mårten Redtmer.
In 1625 Anders (Andreas) Düben was appointed organist, and a new organ contract involved Jürgen (George) Herman and Philipp Eysenmenger of Rostock to renovate and enlarge the organ (II+P/26) with a manual compass CDE-c3 including split upper keys for e flat°/d#°, e flat1/d#1 and e flat2/d#2 for mean tone temperament, and a pedal compass CDE-d1 with split e flat°/d#°. In 1648–1653 the organ was enlarged again with a top positive (III+P/35) by G. Herman, more repairs of which no details are known, are documented in 1660–61 and 1674-76 by Franz Boll, a collaborator of G. Hermans. The specification of the organ was documented in 1684 by Anders Düben's son and successor, Gustaf Düben, who also preserved his and his father's collection of music, one of the most important collections of 17th century music (now in Uppsala).
The move to northern Sweden:
In 1774 the Tyska kyrkan received a considerable donation for a new organ. which was built by the organ maker Olof Schwan in 1780–81 (II+P/33). The old instrument was dismantled and sold to Övertorneå in 1779 where main and top where installed while the parapet positive was installed in the village church of Hedenäset (finnish Hietaniemi) 18 km south. In Övertorneå only minor alterations happened over time so that the majority of the original instrument still exists, while in Hedenäset only the case and four stops survived.
Reconstruction twice: Norrfjärden and Stockholm Tyska kyrkan
A research project by Piteå college of music and Luleå technical university in 1991-99 ("Övertorneåprojektet," directed by Prof. Hans-Ola Ericsson, Piteå) focussed on the original organ in Övertorneå offered the possibility of a reconstruction after the specification of 1684, first in 1997 in Norrfjärden church near Piteå, including the case ornaments. This inspired the parish of the Tyska kyrkan to get a second reconstruction within the original room. Since the original space of the organ is occupied by the modern organ it was decided to erect the reconstruction on a gallery above the southern entrance.
by Gustaf Düben, 28th of November 1684 (transcription Axel Unnerbäck)
Im Mittelclavier im grossen werck
1. Principal auf 8 fuss
2. Quintadöne von 16 fuss
3. die grosse Spiel flöte auf 8 fuss [Boll 1661]
4. Gedacte von 8 fuss
5. Spielflöte auf 4 fuss
6. grosse Octave auf 4 fuss
7. Super octave auf 2 fuss doppelt von ungestrichenen c [c°] an
8. Quinta auf 3 fuss vom ungestrichenen C [c°]
9. Mixtur vierfach biss ins gestrichene c [c1] dernach 5 fach biss ins 3 gestrichene c [c3]
10. Schnarwerck auf 16 fuss [Boll 1676]
11. Trompete von 8 fuss [Boll 1676]
Im Ober wercke seint 7 stimmen
1. Gedact von 8 fuss thon verdeckt.
2. Rohrflöte 4 fuss thon
3. Quintadöhne 4 fuss
4. Octava von 2 fuss
5. Spitz quinte 1 ½ fuss thon
6. Cimbel Zwey fach
7. Regahl 8 fuss
Im untern Clawier Nembl[ich] Ruckpositieffe
1. Principal auf 4 fuss
2. Eine Rohrflöte von 8 fuss.
3. Eine Rohrflöte von 4 fuss
4. Super octave auf 2 fuss
5. Quinte von 1 ½ fuss [Boll 1661]
6. die Sexquealtra auf 2 fuss mit doppelten Pfeiffen [2f.] [Boll 1661]
7. Repetierende Cimbel mit drei doppelten pfeiffen [3f.]
8. Dulcian von 16 fuss [1647–51 or Boll 1661]
9. Nacht Horn von 8 fuss
10. Regal von 4 fuss [Boll 1674]
Im pedahle befindet sich im obern wercke
1. Ein Sub Bass von 16 fuss
2. Ein gedachter Bass [Gedact] von 8 fuss
3. Octaven Bass auf 4 fuss [Boll 1674]
Im pedahle findet sich an schnarwercken hinden am wercke
4. Posaunen Bass auf 16 fuss
5. Trompeten Bass von 8 fuss [Boll 1674]
6. Dulcian Bass von 8 fuss
7. 7. Cornetten Bass von 8 fuss.
hierbey einen guten Tremulandt
Weman Ericsson (Hrsg.): Övertorneåprojektet. Om dokumentationen av
orgeln i Övertorneå och rekonstruktionen av 1684 års orgel i Tyska
kyrkan. Piteå, 1997.
Lena Weman Ericsson (Hrsg.): Övertorneåprojektet. Om restaureringen av orgeln i Övertorneå. Piteå, 1999.
Wallrich (Hrsg.): Die Düben-Orgel. Festschrift zur Einweihung –
Stockholm 9. Mai 2004. Stockholm: Deutsche St. Gertruds Gemeinde
Stockholm, 2004.
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