Krone Krone

Saint Martin de Boscherville, Eglise abbatiale Saint Georges

Saint Martin de Boscherville, Eglise abbatiale (Stiftskirche Saint Georges)

Guillaume Lesselier 1623, enlarged in 1733.

State of preservation: restored by Bernard Aubertin 1993 to 18th c. condition.

The organ of Saint Martin de Boscherville is a typical example of a small organ - following French standards.

Two manuals and the detached „Recit“ as a solo stop represent the minimum requirements for French organ music of the time. a pedal being of minor importance for the occasional extra bass tone therefore only attached later here as often when an instrument was enlarged in the 18th century.

Even with a small organ about this size the presence of the characteristic French reed stops was considered essential: Trompette 8' and Clairon 4' (GO; the organ being too small for the likewise essential Bombarde 16') and the solo reeds Cromorne and Voix humaine.


Music sample

Jehan Titelouze : Hymnus Urbs Hierusalem beata, 3 Versetten (1624)



Grand Orgue (HW):
Montre         8’
Bourdon       8’
Prestant       4’
Cornet 5f.
Trompette    8’
Clairon          4’

Bourdon           8’
Montre              4’
Nazard              2 2/3
Doublette          2’
Tierce                 1 3/5
Larigot               1 1/3
Fourniture 6f.
Cromorne          8’
Voix humaine    8’

Cornet 5f.

Pedal (later addition) attached to Grand Orgue

Q: Postkarte Association Guillaume Lesselier, n.d.


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