Krone Krone Krone

Valréas (Vaucluse), Notre-Dame-de-Nazareth

Valreas (Vaucluse), Notre-Dame-de-Nazareth

Jean Duvivier 1602-14, Pierre Valon 1648, Nicholas Béraud 1667

State of preservation: organ case of 1667, major inner parts earlier, but partly modified later. When the organ was transfered to its present place within the church in 1723/24 a thorough renovation of the organ took place. During the 19th century  the „Positif“ was transformed within a swell case and the keyboards were presumably enlarged to their present state. Restoration by Ernest Mühleisen 1966.

The instrument grew in several stages during the 17th century, although not all of these are known in detail. So the single manual instrument by Jean Duvivier replaced an earlier one built in 1506; in 1648 Pierre Valon enlarged the Grand orgue to 11 stops and added a Positif of five stops. In 1667 a pedal was added and the complete organ put into a new case of very uncommon appearance (Valréas then not a part of France but of the papal Comtat Venaissin)



II+P; manuals C-f3, pedal C-f1

Montre             8’
Bourdon          8’
Cornet             8’ 5f.
Prestant          4’
Flûte                4’
Nazard            2 2/3
Doublette        2’
Tierce              1 3/5
Fourniture 5f.
Trompette       8’
Voix humaine  8’
Clairon             4’

Positif: (now swell)

Salicional              8’
Bourdon                8’
Montre                   4’
Flûte à cheminée 4’
Flageolet               2’
Sesquialtera 2f.
Cymbale 3f.
Cromorne              8’

Soubasse   16’
Flûte             8’
Flûte             4’
Trompette    8’
Clairon          4’

Couplers manuals, pedal


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