Krone Krone Krone

Saint-Antoine (Isère), Abbey

Saint-Antoine (Isère), Abteikirche

Jean-Laurent Astruc 1620-25; Positif in 1639 by Joly, Louis Baron and Jérémie Carlin

State of preservation: Repairs 1700 and 1748 (at this time already expanded to 4 manuals and pedal); in 1805 transfered to Grenoble, St. Louis on order of the préfet of the departement Isère. In 1903 installation of a pneumatic, in 1931 of an electric action. On order of the secretary of culture Andre Malraux the instrument was to be re-transfered to Saint Antoine; restoration in several steps 1981-1984, 1990-2001 by Bernard Aubertin.

The organ of Saint-Antoine reveals a typical appearance of a French baroque organ of the first half of the 18th century, when probably its expansion to the present specification occured. Then not only the Grand orgue had a 16' fundament but also the pedal with specific harmonics ranks related (GO: Double Tierce 3 1/5’; P: Gros Nazard 5 1/3’), both characteristic solo manuals Récit and Écho with their differing shades of dynamics and colour are as well typical of the 18th century. As befitting an organ of this size it has two different stops of 2' in GO (the one of diapason, the other of flute character), another peculiarity of French organs.

Music sample

Francois Couperin (1668-1733) : Messe à l'lusage des Paroisses : Sanctus, Plein Chant du premier Sanctus in Canon
Gespielt von Till Aly



Grand Orgue (HW):
Bourdon-Montre        16’
Montre                           8’
Bourdon à cheminée   8’
Dessus de flûte            8’
Cornet                          [8’] 5f.
Prestant                        4’
Flûte à cheminée        4’
Double Tierce              3 1/5
Quinte                           2 2/3
Doublette                     2’
Quarte                          2’
Fourniture                    2’ 4f.
Tierce                            1 3/5
Flageolet                      1’
Cymbale                      2/3’ 4f.
1er Trompette             8’
Voix humaine               8’
Clairon                          4’

Flûte allemande 8’
Bourdon               8’
Montre                  4’
Nazard                  2 2/3
Doublette             2’
Tierce                    1 3/5
Larigot                  1 1/3
Fourniture            1’ 3f.
Cymbale              1/3’ 2f.
Cromorne             8’

Cornet                  [8’] 5f.
Trompette             8’

Bourdon           8’
Prestant           4’
Cornet             [2 2/3’] 3f.

Bourdon         16’
Flûte                 8’
Gros Nazard     5 1/3
Flûte                 4’
Trompette        8’
Clairon              4’

Couplers GO/Pos, GO/P;
Tremblant doux, Tremblant fort


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