Krone Krone

Świdnica (Schweidnitz), Kościoł Pokoju (Ev. Friedenskirche)

 Świdnica (Schweidnitz), Kościoł Pokoju (Ev. Friedenskirche)

unknown maker, late 17th c.

State of preservation:The organ was a presence by Archidiakon Eberbach in 1695; repaired in 1784 , unchanged  since.

The instrument has a second manual division in the lower case and shows some characteristic elements of Silesian organs. Even in its small size the second manual is reduced in dynamics, predominantly containing flute stops and the typical Austrian stop "Fugara" but lacking a mixture stop. The pedal with one three stops also shows dynamic graduation between the weaker„Bordun“ and the louder „Subbaß.“ Typical for a protestant church is the organ placement above altar and pulpit frequent also in northern and central Germany.


Music sample:

Max Drischner (1891-1971) : Nun danket all und bringet Ehr
played by Heinz Berhard Orlinski



Gedackt    8’
Prinzipal   4’
Flauto       4’
Quinte       2 2/3
Oktave      2’
Mixtur 3f.

Fugara    8’
Flauto     8’
Prinzipal 4’
Flauto      4’
Octav       2’

Subbaß         16’
Bordun         16’
Prinzipalbaß  8’

Coupler manuals


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