Johann Christoph Egedacher, year unknown (early 1700s), remodeled by Andreas Jäger between 1760 and 1771
State of preservation: majority of pipes in HW and P by Egedacher and Jäger; case, organ console, action, pedal wind chest Jäger.
The Benediktbeuern organ is one the first in Bavaria with a detached console. It unites a preserved instrument of the most renowned organ makers' dynasty with the technical refinement of Andreas Jäger who had to modernise the instrument shortly after mid century. His task combined what seemed impossible: modernising and enlarging the instrument but integrating the parapet positive into the main organ to enable a new parapet; in short enlarging the organ within a heavily reduced space. He succeeded in doing this with a series of unique technical devices of a complexity which aided to preserve the instrument since, because the enormous costs and complications to be expected by any severe changes of Jäger's works prevented further attempts of radical renovation.
Johann Jacob Froberger (1616-67): Toccata V da sonarsi alla levatione (excerpt)
played by Klemens Schnorr
II+P; compass manual C-f3, pedal C-a0 (Jäger);
E=Egedacher, J=Jäger
Principal 8’ (tin, front) E
Principal 8’ (wood) E
Coupl 8’ E
Gamba 8’ J
Viola 8’ E
Quintadena 8’ J
Vivara 8’ (D) J
Octav 4’ E
Flauto 4’ E
Quinta 2 2/3’ E
Superoctav 2’
Cornet 3-4f. J
Mixtur 5f. J
Cimbel 3f. J
Trombon 8’
Fagott 8’ (B; borrowed from Trombon with reduced wind)
Pos (reconstructed 20. Jh.):
Coupl 8’
Flautraver 8’ (D)
Principal 4’
Flauto 4’
Nasard 2 2/3’
Superoctav 2’
Mixtur 4f.
Cornet 3f.
Principal 16’ E (+Bourdon 8’)
Subbaß 16’ E
Bourdon 8’ E
Gamba 8’ J
Quintbaß 5 1/3’ E
Superoctav 4’
Cornetmixtur 4f. J
Mixtur 5f. J
Posaune 16’
Coupler HW/P
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