
Gospel organ



Ebrach, ehemalige Klosterkirche

Ebrach, ehemalige Klosterkirche
Ebrach, ehemalige Klosterkirche

Johann Christian Köhler 1753 and 1759

State of preservation: Up to1902 several repairs; 1954 restoration by Steinmeyer, including a rank Fagott 16' in the smaller of the organs

Ebrach abbey obviously had two choir organs in the 16th century, placed above the choir stalls in 1535.  On order of abbott Leonhard Rosa the organ maker Mathias Eckstein of Heidingsfeld built a bigger organ and a positve organ which were both severely damaged in the 30 years' war but still present in 1660/1661 but were replaced 1669 to 1671.
In the 18th century all the organs within the church were planned anew, starting in 1742 with a new organ on the western gallery by Johann Philipp Seuffert, some of the tin for organ pipes contributed by monks offering their drinking cups. In 1753 an organ of two manuals and in 1759 another of one manual was again installed above the choir stalls.

After the dissolution of the monastery in 1803 the church was used for the parish, and attempts were made to keep at least one of the choir organs in working order by regular repairs as documented in the years 1825, 1834, 1857, 1873/75 and 1881 bezeugen. In 1902 G. F. Steinmeyer of Oettingen built a new instrument in the case of the great (western) organ although obviously using the majority of the old pipes. In 1927 the choir organs were declared unplayable. In 1954 Steinmeyer restored both choir organs, based on the informations in Johann Ulrich Sponsel's Orgelhistorie (Nürnberg 1771, p. 129-134).Therefore - presumably against the finds within the instrument (insufficient space!) itself, a new stop  Fagott 16' and an additional rank in the mixture was added within the small choir organ. Records by the cantor Johann Lorenz Schneider of Lahm im Itzgrund in 1803, however, show that Sponsel was mistaken in some points. Further restorations will have to take those additional informations into account.

Music sample

Gaetano Piazza (1725-1770): Sonata in F for two organs
played by Andreas and Werner Jacob


Bigger choir organ (II/P, 22)

Present (after Sponsel 1771)
presumably original (after Schneider 1803)
Principal 8’ 1. Principal – 8 Fuß
Rohrflöte 8’ 2. Gedackt – 8 Fuß
Salcional 8’ 3. Solicional – 8 Fuß
Viola da gamba 8’ 4. Viola Gamba – 8 Fuß
Octava 4’ 5. Octava – 4 Fuß
Flûte d’Amour 4’ 6. Flaute Tamour – 4 Fuß
Super Octava 2’ 7. Super-Oct: – 2 Fuß
Sesquialtera zweyfach 8. Sesquialtera – 2 (fach)
Cornet vierfach 9. Cornetto – 4 (fach)
Mixtura fünffach 10. Mixtur – 4 (fach)
Trompet Discant und Baß 11. Trompette – 8 Fuß

Hohlflöte 8’ 12. Hohl Flaute – 8 Fuß
Flûte Traversière 8’ 13. Flaut: Trav. 4 Fuß
Viola da Gamba 8’ 14. Viola Gamba 8 Fuß
Krumhorn 8’ 15. Crum Horn – 4 Fuß
Vox humana 8’ 16. Vox humana – 8 Fuß
Fugara 4’ 17. Fugara – 4 Fuß
Flageolet 2’ 18. Flaschnett – 2 Fuß

19. Hohl Flaut: 4 Fuß
Tremuland, Manual Coppel

Sub Bass 16’ 20. Sub Baß – 16 Fuß
Violon Bass 8’ 21. Violon B. 16 Fuß
Super Octav Bass 4’ 22. Sup: Oct. – Fuß

Nota. Diese Orgel hat 3 Bälche.

Smaller choir organ (I/P, 14)

Principal 8’ 1. Princip: – 8 Fuß
Bordun 8’ 2. Porton – 8 Fuß
Gemshorn 8’ 3. Gemshorn – 8 Fuß
Flauto Italica 8’ 4. Italienische Flaute – 8 Fuß
Salcional 8’ 5.
Duiflöt 4’ 6. Duett Flaute – 4 Fuß
Octava 4’ 7. Octava – 4 Fuß
Quinta 3’ 8. Quinta
Super Octava 2’ 9. Super Oct: – 2 Fuß
Mixtura fünffach 10. Mixtur – 4.fach
Chalumeau Discant und Baß 11. Schalmeje – 8 Fuß
Fagotto 16’ 12. Fagot – 8 Fuß

Sub Bass 16’ 13. Sub Baß – 16 fuß
Violon Bass 8’ 14. Sub Baß – 16 fuß

Nota. Sie hat eine Manual-Koppel und 2 Bälche und nur 1 Clavier

Wolfgang Wiemer, Zur Geschichte der Orgeln der Ebracher Klosterkirche, in: 120. Bericht des Historischen Vereins Bamberg 1984, S. 671-681.

Hermann Fischer und Theodor Wohnhaas, Anmerkungen zu Johann Lorenz Schneiders Beschreibung der in Bamberg gesenen und gespielten Orgeln, in: Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch 65 (1981), S. 95-103.


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